Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Things Are Changing!

It's been a few weeks since my last post and boy have things started changing fast with the boys...so many things in fact I'm not sure where to begin!

First we will start with the huge accomplishment that Blake now rolls over!  He use to hate tummy time, but now that he knows he can get himself out of it he is much more tolerant.  Bennett is still working on rolling over, but he is just so happy wherever you put him that he doesn't see the need to go anywhere.

Blake teaching Bennett how to roll over!

The boys are still doing great with eating baby food.  Blake is in LOVE with apples and Bennett just loves to have fun while he eats.  It's a blast!

A few weeks ago I attempted to take the boys out by myself for the first time to go see my friend Laura for lunch at the school I use to work at.  The venture started at 6:15am for a departure from the house at 10:00am.  I should have know I was in trouble when they didn't sleep in the car and Blake cried all the way down 820.  They were good for the first 5 minutes we were there and then 'Stranger Danger' set in and it was all over.  Both babies were screaming and after about 10 minutes I quickly exited the back door with a vow to never do that again!  It was a little overwhelming to say the least.  One baby crying at a time I can handle, but 2 is impossible.  It is especially difficult since they now have empathy for each other and when one cries the other soon will follow (when we are at home the dog chimes in too)...I just have to laugh!

This is the first time I really noticed the boys noticing each other...let the fun begin!  Bennett got Blake back today for all of the kicking in this video.  He got a hand full of Blake's lucious locks and gave them a good yank!  OUCH!

Both boys are starting to teethe!  You can see 2 of Blake's bottom teeth and one of Bennett's.  They are drooling machines and can't chew enough on anything in sight, including me!

We went to the pulmonologist for Bennett last week and he is officially done with oxygen and monitors!  She even took him off his diuretics!  It is a huge step in his little life!

That's all I can think of for now, but that's enough!  They are changing and growing so fast that I can't keep up and all I want to do is remember every moment.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Just Call Me Gerber!

Since the boys have starting trying baby food I decided that I wanted to try to make it instead of buying it.  Tonight was my first experiment.  It was a bit messy, but a success!

YUMMIE sweet potatoes!

First I tried the bullet...not my favorite.  The potatoes were too thick and just stayed in the top.

...then I tried this and it was much easier to get a smooth consistency

Freezer tray with a few weeks worth of baby food!

A week ago Friday we took Bennett off his oxygen to see how he would do and he has done GREAT!  He has not had to go back on his oxygen at all in a week and he is happier than ever.  I think he was just as ready to have all of his tubes gone as I was.

First day off oxygen!

For Labor Day we had family over for a BBQ and it was so nice to visit and have our family together!

Grandmother and Poppy with the boys

Poppy and Bennett

Poppy and Blake...everyday is a crazy hair day for Blake lately!

On Wednesday we had our first speech therapy appointment at Children's in Southlake for Bennett.  I wasn't expecting it, but she had him try sweet potatoes!  She pretty much just let him play with the spoon with some food on it and he had a blast!  He had sweet potatoes in his hair and eyelashes!  There are no words to describe how happy it makes me when I see him open his mouth and want another bite!

We had to share Bennett's sweet potato experience with Daddy later that night when he got home!

Blake got to try sweet potatoes for the first time too!

Just an extra bonus of one of my favorite things in the world...holding both my boys at the same time!

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Blake at his first meal of solids tonight...OATMEAL!  He did so well!  He wore half of it, but toward the end he was fussing because I wasn't feeding him fast enough.  I'm not sure who had more fun, me or him...I think I did :-)


At times he preferred to shovel it in with his fist

Mia and Bennett watched Blake's first meal!

Boys in their matching jamies!