Friday, November 4, 2011

Frustration with Hope

This past week has been frustrating to say the least.  I feel like we have gone backwards 2 month in the progress Bennett has made with his eating.  He was doing great...eating 2-3 ounces at time without fighting or crying and now I'm lucky to get an ounce down him with a great deal of effort.  I'm thankful he is still doing well with baby food, but I'm still disappointed. 

The nutritionist came to the house today to weigh Bennett and he now weighs 18 pounds 0.6 ounces.  His weight for length is 83.6% (they prefer closer to 50%) and he gained 18.6 grams per day (they want 10-13 grams per day) over the past 2 weeks.  That probably doesn't mean much to many people, but it gives me hope is that his decrease in eating is because we have been feeding him too much...again.  It is a fine balance between the bottle and baby food since Bennett doesn't get to tell us when he's done like most babies.

The nutritionist also wants us to switch him to a different formula to see if it will help.  Basically the new formula is easier to digest.  I about had a heart attack when she told us this...I just bought enough of his current formula to hopefully get us through at least 3 months, and formula is one of those things they don't like to take back...maybe you will better understand if you see my formula stash...

All of this was either free or on sale...there is no way it's going to waste!

I am hoping over the next few days we see some improvement with Bennett's appetite and that we can find that 'perfect' balance if there is such a thing.

Even when I'm frustrated I can always count on them to make me smile...

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