Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Blake's First Road Trip!

Today I decided to "Just Do It"...I packed Blake up in the car and headed to Camp Reynal!  It was a much needed trip for mom and if I have anything to do with it the boys will some day be camp counselors there.  For those of you who don't know Camp Reynal is an amazing camp for kids with chronic kidney disease.  I have volunteered for them for the past 9 years and I was the director for the past 4 years.  To say the least Camp Reynal is a big part of my life and it was very hard for me not to be there this year.  Oprah said in her final episode to do something in life that you are passionate about and I think Camp Reynal is my "thing"!

Feeding Blake in the dining hall.  Who would have thought when I was eating in this dining hall when I was a camper 20 years ago (that makes me sound old!) that I would one day bring my own child here!

Blake with some of my favorite Reynal people...Sam, JJ, Jennifer, Allie and Kaci!

I was worried about making the 1.5 hour drive by myself with Blake, but he did great!  We were out of the house by 9am, he slept in the car the entire way there and was ready to eat when we arrived.  He did the same thing on the way home.  It is nice to know that I can still get out and do may be a different story with 2, but I have decided that I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and do it...we can't be trapped in the house forever.

Today the boys are 10 weeks old.  I'm not sure where the time has gone, but it has flown by.  I put Blake in 0-3 month outfits today for the first time...he is getting so big so fast :-(
Bennett 10 weeks old!  They are getting him ready to come home.  They have taken the rolls out of his bed and have made it flat.  A surgeon is coming to evaluate him tomorrow to see if he needs surgery.  Once he realizes he is a Warner and that Warner's like to eat he will be on his way out of the door!

Blake 10 weeks old!  He has enough control to sit by his monkey now!  This is his first 0-3 sized outfit.

Photo time with mommy!
Photo time with Daddy.  We have our own versions of dress up!

They turned Bennett's oxygen down to 0.4L today and he is doing great.  They are going to try to get him down to 0.25L of oxygen over the next few days and if we are lucky he will be able to come off the oxygen before he comes home!

All in all it was a great day and I am glad that I got to introduce Blake to so many of my favorite people!  Next year hopefully Bennett will get his first camp experience!

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