Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Out and About!

Today in a spur of the moment decision I decided to take the boys out shopping with the help of our nanny Lisa!  I'm not brave enough to try by myself yet!  We went shopping at Carter's and got some cute outfits for the boys for fall.  I get so tired of staying in the house all day or only getting out when I have a doctor appointment for Bennett, I know the boys have to be tired of staying at home too.  It went well for the most part except Bennett cried the whole way there and fell asleep when we were about 5 minutes from the store...he then decided to wake up when we got him out of the car.  Since he was exhausted he cried the whole way home.  I have a feeling he will sleep the rest of the afternoon.  Blake is great to take out.  He LOVES it.  He sleeps in the car better than he does when he is at home and loves to ride in his stroller.  I think I may need to try to get out more with Bennett so he can get use to riding in his car seat.  I must admit that I am a bit jealous of my friends with just one baby that can just pick up and go at the drop of a hat by themselves...I've got to work up the courage to do that with the boys, but I just can't wrap my head around it yet.  Maybe I will try when Bennett is off oxygen since there will be less equipment to lug around!

Currently we are trying to wean Bennett off his oxygen.  He was off all day yesterday and did great.  He was so happy to not have to wear his cannula.  We are shooting to try him off at night this weekend.  We are sure it will be a sleepless night since he will have to wear his oxygen saturation monitor that go off ALL THE TIME!  Once we get him off oxygen we just have to get him eating and life will be perfect for Bennett!  I must admit that curiosity killed the cat this weekend and we couldn't wait any longer to see what Bennett would do if we gave him solids.  I know you are supposed to do foods in a certain order, but all we had was baby pears in the pantry so that's what he got.  He maybe got a entire baby spoon full, but it didn't seem to bother him at all.  Blake seemed more disturbed by the texture than Bennett did.  I didn't want to push him to eat more since he really isn't ready yet, but it gave me hope that someday he will eat!
Blake trying out his high chair...he prefers to eat his lovies right now!

Getting ready to take Christmas pictures...I bought the boys matching Santa hats!

Bennett off his oxygen yesterday...he is always happy!

Bennett talking, talking and talking some more!

Blake on his play mat...he loves reaching for things and getting them in his mouth!  You can hear Bennett still talking in the background!

Blake's version of tummy time...I don't think he will ever roll over this way!

Bennett's version of tummy time...just chillin'

Blake playing in his bumbo seat...with a little help sitting up, but he's close!

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