Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Circus is in Town!

If there was one way to describe our life for the past 2 weeks it would be that our life is a circus, Blake and Bennett are the ring leaders and Jason and I are the dancing ponies!

There is never a dull moment at the Warner household.  A baby is either crying, eating, puking, sleeping or needing a bath.  Sometimes they will entertain us with a coo or a laugh :-)  Since we have brought Bennett home both boys cry uncontrollably at the drop of a hat and sometimes you never know why.  Then there are other times when they are so darn cute and talk up a storm, but I think they do this so we don't ship them off to military school before they are 1!

Part of the trying moments are working with Bennett to try to get him to adjust to being home.  Most of the time we are walking on eggshells around him because you never know what will set him off into hysterical crying and you never know how long it will take to calm him down.  The little toot is happiest at the doctor's office since that's all he has ever known!  It is taking some adjusting from having a baby like Blake that you can just pick up and go with to having a baby like Bennett, that for a lack of a better word, has a leash.  We have to constantly be aware how much oxygen tubing we have to move with, if he is hooked up to his feeding pump/oxygen monitor/apnea monitor, etc.  We are getting better about being more mobile with him, but there is more of a learning curve than you would think.  He has made huge strides in the past week adjusting to the different stimulation of home, but there is still a ways to go.

Currently Blake is fighting sleep and can take up to 2 hours to get to bed.  He will cry so long I think he forgets what he is crying about.  He isn't a big pacifier baby so there isn't much to calm him but walking, rocking and patting.  Jason and I are currently reading a book on healthy sleep habits for twins and will soon be trying to get him to go to sleep in a much more peaceful manner.  The other day I found Jason carrying him around with earplugs in just to help lessen the ear piercing cries!

Yesterday we took the boys to their 4 month well appointment.  Blake weighed 14 pounds 2 ounces (38 percentile), was 24.5 inches long (36 percentile) and his head was 43cm (70 percentile).  Bennett weighed 12 pounds 1 ounce (6 percentile), was 23 inches long (3 percentile) and his head was 39.5cm (4 percentile).  It was our first outing with both of them at the same time.  It went much better than I anticipated.  They both slept in the car which was a lifesaver!  It took us about 30 minutes to get our stuff together and feed the boys after we saw the doctor, but they were kind enough to let us use the room as long as we needed to.  I have gotten quite handy at feeding Bennett through his G-button in his car seat.  We have a strap we use to hang his bag from the car seat handle and his pump is small enough that it will fit in his car seat with him...he finished his lunch on the ride home!

I was brave this week and with the help of Jason, Meredith and my mom I was able to get a few pictures of the boys.  I have discovered I am not as good with moving subjects, but hopefully they will learn to pose when they see me with the camera!  When they are this cute how can you not love them!

As a family we are all adjusting to having Bennett home, having twins and everything that comes with it.

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