Sunday, April 24, 2011

Wonderful Visit with Bennett!

Yesterday Jason and I went to visit Bennett together and it was such a surprise when his nurse asked us if we wanted to try to feed him his bottle!  He had taken his 9am and noon bottle perfectly for her so now it was our turn :-)  It was a little difficult to hold a bottle, keep his CPAP on, pinch his cheeks around the nipple so he didn't wear half of his bottle and hold him.  It took 2 nurses and a engineer to feed one baby, but we got it done!

Bennett is AMAZING!  I have no idea how he can eat a bottle with all that air and pressure being blown down his throat and he didn't even spit or sputter once...he is even a great burper!  He truly is a Warner...he likes to eat!

After we fed him he sat up and stayed wide awake for about a hour.  It was so wonderful to get to interact with him and watch him soak up his surroundings from a new view.  Jason thinks he was plotting his escape!
Starting to strike poses like his brother!

Is he cute or what!

After we put him back to bed the nurse asked me if I would put his arm braces on for his therapy...they always tell me that he does not appreciate it when they put his braces on so I was not really wanting to do it since we were going to leave right afterward.  I prefer not to have our last interaction of our visit be a bad one, but he didn't seem to mind at all when I put them on...not a tear was shed!  Either I didn't put them on right or he knows I don't know what I'm doing and took pity on me!

Dr. Grubbs came to talk to us yesterday while we were there and update us on his plan for Bennett.  They were going to take a chest x-ray this morning and if it looked better they would turn his pressure on his CPAP down to 6 and leave him there for several days before trying to turn him down to 5, which is where most babies are that are on CPAP.  He also informed us that his inguinal hernia will have to be surgically repaired before he comes home...that is not a day I am looking forward to at all, but I know we will get through it just like we have gotten through the rest of this.

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